Series of ruins in Hiraizumi, Iwate Prefecture, which were inscribed on the World Heritage list. We revived the past scene in the VR content “HIRAIZUMI TIME SCOPE”.
By using this device in the specific site of Muryokoin Ruins and Yanagi-no-Gosho Ruins, you can experience a scene in Hiraizumi during Heian period.
The Full CG Panorama Describing Scenes in Heian Period
By using this device in the designated spots in Hiraizumi town, you may experience past scenes during Heian period and view a commentated video with guiding voice. We welcome you to this quality content where you can learn a history of Hiraizumi even more.
Upon the revival of scenes, our production is aimed to provide historical facts under the supervision of Professor Yoshiyuki Tomishima from Kyoto University, and Professor Kayo Maekawa from Nara Women’s University.

無量光院跡 / Muryokoin Ruins

柳之御所遺跡 / Yanagi-no-Gosho Ruin

毛越寺通り / Motsuji Temple Road

本コンテンツは、VRゴーグルを「のぞくだけ」の簡単な利用方法により、幅広い年齢層へ対応。 ガイドする方の習熟度合いや、訪問客の皆様それぞれの知識量の違いといった前提条件に左右されることなく、より直感的に歴史や文化を伝えられる仕組みです。 また言語切り替え機能により、訪日観光客への対応も可能となっており、平泉を訪れる訪問客の皆様へ幅広く対応したコンテンツとなっています。
Digitalization for the Simplicity, the Intuition
Due to the simple usage of VR goggle by just looking into it, it targets customers for wide ages. It intuitively communicates the history and the culture without the dependence on guide’s skill degree and the visitor’s familiarity with the subject. You can switch the language setting so that serves for those tourists who visit Japan, and this content widely supports everyone who visits Hiraizumi.